Afghani Refugee Resources 


1. Donate to support humanitarian aid

Humanitarian aid and support is running scarce, as the Washington Post reports that organizations have been working to get their affiliated staff on the ground, out the country. 

These organizations are working to protect those in danger, provide them with access to aid in the form of medical assistance, food, and access to shelter, and have had a presence in Afghanistan for several years. 

There remains uncertainty on how long some of these sources of humanitarian aid will remain in the country, however all have expressed interest in helping protect vulnerable communities to the best of their freedom and abilities to do so. 


The United Nations Refugee agency has been working to help those fleeing Afghanistan seek refuge in bordering and nearby countries. The UNHCR has been monitoring and continues to monitor the needs of refugees fleeing the country, and has been calling on neighboring countries to keep borders open for those seeking asylum. 

Visions for Children

This organization has been in contact with citizens on the ground, finding ways to assist with emergency aid in Afghanistan, and has been calling for urgent relief in the country. The German organisation has said that it is committed to help those in need, no matter how the situation may change. “The situation is constantly changing which is why we can’t yet predict how we’ll continue our projects,” the organization stated, “but we are committed to continue with our efforts. 

Doctors Without Borders

The Afghan arm of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders) has committed to aiding those in need with medical assistance, stating simply on social media: “We continue to provide urgently needed medical care in Afghanistan.” 

Women for Afghan Women

While this organisation is no longer operating in Afghanistan, their work has accumulated thousands of Afghan women and families in their care, and still seek to support them. “We are evacuating centers, pausing operations, and continually assessing risks,” the organisation said on social media, “We are working day and night to provide safe shelter, resources, and aid to the thousands of women, children, families, and staff who are under our care.”


2. Support women’s media and female reporters

Women journalists in Afghanistan face massive threats not only for working, but for working in the media, an industry that has been particularly targeted by the Taliban

“In the last 24 hours, our lives have changed and we have been confined to our homes, and death threatens us at every moment,” says one woman journalist, speaking to the Guardian. “Firstly I am worried about myself because I am a girl, and also a woman journalist,” said another.

Women on the ground who have been reporting the news, who are journalists, who may not be able to openly work, who have had to hide their identities, need to be protected. You can help them by following Rukshana Media and Sahar Speaks, both organizations are staffed by female Afghan journalists. 

In order to further support women journalists, you can donate to help women at Rukshana indirectly, by donating here


3. Petitions You Can Sign

Add your name to these petitions in a call to protect the lives and rights of Afghan’s most vulnerable people. 


4. Show your support on social media

Keep up to date on social media and keep the conversation alive so that the fight for human rights in Afghanistan is not one that goes forgotten. To get you started you can follow the hashtags, #Afghanistan #HelpAfghanistan #AfghanLivesMatter on social media. You can also follow the following accounts to stay updated on the situation, omar.haidari, theafghan, middleeastmatters


5. Learn more about the crisis

In order to understand the extent of the takeover and the impacts it will have on the country, it is important to educate yourself on its history and remain informed on how the situation unfolds. 

You can learn more about who the Taliban are and how they achieved this takeover by reading this CNN article or this BBC article. You can also learn more about the impact on women and children by reading through this article by NBC news here or this interview with Afghanistan\’s acting education minister on NPR

Remain informed by reading works by trusted news sites and consuming informative social media from trusted sources. 

Support/Aid Resources

29 Diner is Leading Humanitarian efforts to support 200 AFGAN REFUGEE FAMILIES & Welcome Them To The USA!

Our AFGAN REFUGEE FAMILY CENTER at the 29 Diner will support these families & their living-needs with SHELTER, food, hot meals, groceries, health & home care items along with financial support, jobs, transportation & education.

29 Diner is delivering, twice weekly, to 100’s of AFGAN families in need
We are in need of…

  • Non Perishable Food Donations LIKE beans, rices, canned food, pasta, sauces, pancake mix, PB, Jelly, etc.
  • Snacks Donations LIKE Granola bars, nuts, Chips, dried fruits, NO CHOCOLATE
  • Water, Gatorade, & Bottled/Boxed Juices Donations
  • Baby/kid item-diapers, wipes, dry formula, etc. Donations
  • Household & Healthcare Donations LIKE Bandaids, Neosporin, toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, shampoo, liquid soap, toilet paper, paper towels, laundry detergent, dish detergent.
  • Community Monetary Donations of
    $50 pr

Feel free to use the resources compiled by our friends at Silent Professionals below:

United States and Virginia – sanitary products for women

Volunteer with IRC:

U.S. Government Services

Virginia Department of Social Services – Refugee Services

For Americans trying to get out of Afghanistan – The State Department 

Recommended Charity for Afghans

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