
Universal Pre-K. Tuition Free Public College. Erase Student Loan Debt.

Early Education: Providing children high-quality care and education from an early age has been proven to benefit both individual children and society as a whole. Yet, too many families can’t afford to provide their children the opportunities afforded to wealthier families. In some areas, there simply aren’t any programs available or those that are available are staffed by underpaid and underqualified educators. In Virginia, a recent survey of early childhood educators clearly reveals the  “long-standing disparities in teacher earnings and well-being.” Especially during this pandemic, essential workers must act as both teachers and caretakers often without having the appropriate training or adequate compensation.

In addition, current school budgets are based on the property taxes of the neighborhoods in which the schools are located. This means that the wealthiest neighborhoods get the most funding and the best schools while communities who are already struggling receive less than they need. If we want to truly invest in our children so they can maximize their individual and collective potentials to become productive members of our global society, we must: 

Higher Education: A college or technical degree serves as a ladder for socioeconomic mobility, especially for those in marginalized groups. Although multiple studies have shown related benefits, we have seen little progress in funding for racial equity within higher education since the last recession. At the same time, the cost of a college degree is getting higher, contributing to the increasing wealth gap in America. Additionally, the systemic inequality in higher education has gotten worse due to COVID-19. To address these long overdue problems, we must: 

*If you are a student struggling with mental health issues, has created a Mental Health Resources page that might be helpful. While it is primarily targeted to Indigenous students, the information is more broadly applicable.

*If you have thoughts of harming yourself, please text 988, the Suicide and Crisis Hotline.

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